Opening Thursday 19 April 2018 – 6 pm.

Andy H. Jung

Atmosfere Sospese 

Operated Reality

curated by c|e Contemporary

until May 9, 2018

from Monday to Friday 9.00 – 12.00 am| 2.00 – 5.00 pm

isLAND II_25x40in_Diasec_2012
isLAND II, 25x40in, Diasec, 2012

The exhibition “Atmosfere Sospese – Operated Reality” by Andy H. Jung, curated by Christine Enrile for c|e Contemporary and promoted by the Consualte General of the Republic of Korea in Milan, will be inaugurated on Thursday 19 April 2018 at 6.00 pm at the Gallery of the Consulate in the presence of the Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Mrs YOO Hye-ran.

This art itinerary, which can be visited until 9 May 2018, offers 8 photographic works, of different dimensions mounted on diasec, reproducing the nocturnal universes of Andy H. Jung.
The Operated Reality series shows the artist’s interest in architecture and for the environmental engineering which has been the subject of his studies and training.

The attention for this kind of engineering, led Andy H. Jung to think about the morphological change of megalopolis.

The contemporary architectures lead to a reflection on the contrast between the beautiful buildings and the ever-growing human solitude.

The Habitat is the central theme of Andy H. Jung’s work.

Andy H. Jung creates, through the nocturnal reproduction of evocative constructions in Seoul, New York and San Francisco,  a reflection on the metropolitan environment and makes us imagine lifestyles, solitudes, desires of those who live these kind of reality.

The fascinating and dreamlike views of the metropolises like Seoul will lead you into a dreamlike dimension that will introduce you to enigmatic and fascinating reflections.