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On Πausa

 By Maria Dialektaki and Maria Papaioannou 

1 e 2 october 2015

OPENING thursday 1 october from 18.00 to 21.00

1 october projection  18.00 – 21.00

2 october projection  14.00 – 18.00

Videozoom is an initiative “in progress” created by Sala 1 Centro Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea in Rome which aims to show contemporary video art in various territorial situations. The Greek edition of Videozoom entitled On Πause started on November 14th 2014 at the Museum of Rome in Trastevere. The curators and artists presented the project to the public in a special conference. The exhibition Videozoom: Greece continued at Sala 1 until November 29, 2014, and now has the opportunity to be hosted and projected to other locations in Italy and abroad, thanks to the supporters and to the cultural and institutional partners of the project. The next events will take place in the gallery c|e contemporary in Milan, at the museum MUSPAC in L’Aquila and in Athens, starting in October 2015. The traveling show of Videozoom:Greece has been realized with the support of Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

The financial crisis affecting Greece over the last few years has significantly affected the Greek society. People are forced to respond to an increasingly demanding and abruptly changing reality. At the same time, the awareness of being in the midst of constant and radical change and transformation comes to stark contrast with the deep sense of stagnation and uncertainty. Quite surprisingly, the world keeps moving at the same fast pace while time becomes ever so relative; its once clearly demarcated boundaries fade, the ability to plan in the long run withers, and existing points of reference simply collapse. According to the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, man constantly attempts to understand time only in terms of the finite duration of his life. In this sense, time can only be perceived through mortality. The only point of conscious contact with time is the almost unimaginable concept of present. When present time is so uncertain and seems so bleak how does the sense and meaning of time change?

The participating artists Loukia Alavanou & Cecilia Jardemar, Bill Balaskas, George Drivas, Vasilis Patmios Karouk, The Spiritual Studio, Lina Theodorou record their own changing reality and reflect their inner thoughts on the pursuit of meaning during this critical time in their home country. Videozoom: Greece is produced by Sala 1 and supported by NEON Organization and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, with the patronage of the Embassy of Greece in Italy and the Hellenic Community in Rome. It is promoted by Roma Capitale, Department of Culture, Creativity and Artistic Promotion and Rome Superintendent for Artistic Patrimony.


For more information:

Sala 1 – International Center for Contemporary Art – Piazza di Porta San Giovanni , 10 , 00185 – Rome

Hours : 15 to 29 November | Tuesday to Saturday from 16:30 to 19:30 – tel . 06 7008691

Sala 1 – International Centre of Contemporary Art – Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10, 00185 – Rome

November 15 -29 | from Tuesday to Saturday, 16:30 to 19:30 – tel. (+39) 06 7008691